Installer tutorials

Installer tutorials

You will find a lot of valuable information in the form of tutorials, sample configurations carried out step by step, ways of connecting devices, etc.

Conditions for moving an old installation to the new cloud

In this guide you will find out what to do to log into the new Ampio Cloud from an old installation.

Last update August 23, 2022, tags: Ampio Cloud, Security, Installation

Integration with external temperature sensor

A guide that explains how external temperature sensors can be integrated with the Ampio system via Node-RED.

Last update August 19, 2022, tags: Configuration, Integrations, IP, Mobile app, Smart Home Manager

Setting up cameras in Ampio Smart Home Manager

A guide on how to manage cameras in the SHM, using the example of HIKVISION cameras.

Last update August 3, 2022, tags: SERV family, Configuration, Integrations, IP, Mobile app, Smart Home Manager

M-CON-ENOCN-p module's configuration guide

A guide describing the configuration of M-CON-ENOCN-p, which controls EnOcean modules.

Last update June 30, 2022, tags: Smart Home Manager

Graphic representations of rooms - adding in Smart Home Manager

A guide describing the functionality of adding graphics of rooms in order to display them in the Ampio UNI mobile application.

Last update June 15, 2022, tags: Smart Home Manager, Mobile app

Integration with LED strips' drivers

This guide explains the process of integrating LED strips with the Ampio system.

Last update May 18, 2022, tags: Integrations, LED lights, Node-RED

Simulating the functionality of an IR remote control

An instruction on how to add the functionality of a traditional remote control based on the IR technology to your Ampio system.

Last update April 21, 2022, tags: Smart Home configurator, Mobile app, Integrations, Air conditioning

Setting up a swimming pool cleaning schedule

This guide presents the possibility of activating a pool cleaner pump regularly at a certain hour.

Last update April 14, 2022, tags: Configuration, Smart Home configurator

Changing the module's type

Some of the Ampio modules allow you to change their type. The following guide describes the process of conducting such a change.

Last update April 14, 2022, tags: Configuration, Smart Home configurator

Linked conditions

Introduction into creating linked conditions in the Ampio Smart Home configurator.

Last update April 13, 2022, tags: Configuration, Smart Home configurator