Smart Home configurator tag

Manual updates

Some updates on the Ampio system can be initiated manually. The following guide describes the procedure for such updates.

Last update June 24, 2024, tags: Configuration, Mobile app, Ampio Designer, Node-RED, Smart Home configurator, Smart Home Manager

Configuration guide for M-INOC and M-OC modules

The following guide describes the configuration of modules from the M-INOC and M-OC family in the Ampio system.

Last update February 23, 2024, tags: Configuration, Lights, Smart Home configurator, Ampio Designer

Uploading icons to M-DOT panels

Instructions on how to edit icons for touch panels with a display.

Last update February 19, 2024, tags: DOT family, Smart Home configurator, Ampio Designer

M-OUT-4s configuration guide

The M-OUT-4s module is equipped with voltage analogue outputs that allow it to integrate with devices that have voltage control inputs. This document explains how the module’s configuration is carried out.

Last update February 19, 2024, tags: Configuration, Smart Home configurator, Ampio Designer

Configuration of the integration with the Satel Integra alarm system

A guide that describes the steps of integrating the Ampio system with the Satel-Integra alarm with the use of the M-CON-232-s and M-SERV-s modules.

Last update February 19, 2024, tags: Smart Home configurator, Access control, Ampio Designer

Configuration of a universal MODBUS RTU integrator

A description of the configuration of integration software with the majority of devices supporting the MODBUS RS485 protocol

Last update February 19, 2024, tags: Configuration, Integrations, RS-485, Modbus, Smart Home configurator, Ampio Designer

F&F meter configuration

A configuration guide for the integration of the Ampio system with the F&F LE-03MW CT electricity meter.

Last update May 22, 2023, tags: Smart Home configurator, Modbus

M-CON-KNX-s configuration guide

This document explains the process of configuring the M-CON-KNX-s module to integrate it with the KNX bus.

Last update February 20, 2023, tags: Configuration, Smart Home configurator, Integrations

Buzzer notifications in M-DOT modules

M-DOT touch panels can generate a buzzing sound. This guide shows an example of configuring such settings.

Last update October 13, 2022, tags: DOT family, Configuration, Smart Home configurator

Remote programming

This guide explains the Ampio system configuration that enables remote programming.

Last update September 19, 2022, tags: Smart Home configurator