RT family tag

Touch panel brightness settings

A guide to changing touch panel brightness settings dependent on sunrise/sunset.

Last update July 1, 2024, tags: DOT family, Personalisation, Ampio Designer, Touch panels, RT family, SERV family

M-RT-s: Temperature control module

Module M-RT-s is a component of the Ampio system. Required voltage to power the module is 11 — 16V DC. The module is controlled via CAN bus. The module allows for the implementation of temperature control logic. Regulation is performed independently for a number of defined zones.

Last update April 15, 2024, tags: Ampio CAN modules, RT family, DIN rail modules, Air conditioning, Central heating, Temperature control

Controlling impulse-triggered roller blinds

This guide explains how to configure Ampio devices that can control impulse-triggered roller blinds.

Last update August 25, 2022, tags: RT family, Roller shutters and blinds, Relay outputs, Automations, Configuration, Smart Home configurator

Displaying the temperature on the touch panel's screen

Touch panels with a built-in display can show both the current temperature, as well as the room’s set temperature using one object. The following guide describes how such a functionality should be configured.

Last update April 5, 2022, tags: Smart Home configurator, Display, RT family, DOT family, Temperature control

Closing blinds at sunset

A guide that describes the configuration of Ampio devices , which enables automatic closing of blinds at sunset.

Last update December 21, 2021, tags: RT family, Roller shutters and blinds, Relay outputs, Automations, Configuration, Smart Home configurator