Integrations tag

Integration with tedee lock

A guide for the integration of Gerda’s tedee locks with the Ampio system.

Last update January 30, 2023, tags: SERV family, Integrations, Configuration, IP, Mobile app, Access control

Integration with NETIO PowerPDU

This guide explains the process of integrating NETIO’s smart power distribution unit with the Ampio system.

Last update October 6, 2022, tags: Integrations, Node-RED, Input modules, IP, Smart Home Manager

Integration with LED strips' drivers

This guide explains the process of integrating LED strips with the Ampio system.

Last update May 18, 2022, tags: Integrations, LED lights, Node-RED

Simulating the functionality of an IR remote control

An instruction on how to add the functionality of a traditional remote control based on the IR technology to your Ampio system.

Last update April 21, 2022, tags: Smart Home configurator, Mobile app, Integrations, Air conditioning