Installer tutorials

Installer tutorials

You will find a lot of valuable information in the form of tutorials, sample configurations carried out step by step, ways of connecting devices, etc.

Lighting control - cascading effect

Instructions for configuration of the cascading (stair) effect in lighting.

Last update April 13, 2022, tags: Smart Home configurator, Lights

Binary counter

A guide that describes the possibility of controlling multiple outputs with one input.

Last update April 13, 2022, tags: Smart Home configurator, Configuration

Initiating the "departure" mode in a heating zone

The following guide describes the configuration of a departure mode triggered in a heating zone, which can be activated by holding in a touch field on the touch panel.

Last update April 11, 2022, tags: Configuration, Central heating, Smart Home configurator

Displaying the temperature on the touch panel's screen

Touch panels with a built-in display can show both the current temperature, as well as the room’s set temperature using one object. The following guide describes how such a functionality should be configured.

Last update April 5, 2022, tags: Smart Home configurator, Display, RT family, DOT family, Temperature control

Configuration of the Elsner P03/3 weather station

A configuration guide for the Elsner weather station with the use of dedicated software.

Last update March 4, 2022, tags: Smart Home configurator, Smart Home Manager, Mobile app

Configuration of virtual devices

An instruction for the configuration of virtual devices and a summary of their possibilities.

Last update February 7, 2022, tags: Configuration, Smart Home configurator

Closing blinds at sunset

A guide that describes the configuration of Ampio devices , which enables automatic closing of blinds at sunset.

Last update December 21, 2021, tags: RT family, Roller shutters and blinds, Relay outputs, Automations, Configuration, Smart Home configurator

Automatic disconnection of an iron

A guide that describes the configuration of an actuating device, which controls the power supply of an iron and allows its automatic disconnection.

Last update December 17, 2021, tags: Relay outputs, Input modules, Automations, Configuration, Smart Home configurator

Installation of a guiding plate for the 2, 4, 6, 9-field panel

Instruction for the installation of a guiding plate for the 2,4,6 and 9-field touch panels.

Last update April 28, 2021, tags: DOT family, Installation

Installation of a guiding plate for the 18-field panel

Instruction for the installation of a guiding plate for the 18-field touch panels.

Last update April 28, 2021, tags: DOT family, Installation