This document presents a method of controlling roller blinds that respond to impulse signals.
It is possible to achieve this using M-REL modules that have the option of choosing the associations of outputs (e.g. M-REL-10s). In order to do that, the module’s associations of outputs must be set to relay, not blinds, in the module’s settings. Then, from a virtual blinds object, create conditions that will control your relay outputs. The type of conditions is dependent on the specific kind of roller blinds. An example below presents how certain roller blinds respond to impulses:
input up
first impulse - go up
second impulse - STOP
input down
first impulse - go down
second impulse - STOP
The blinds will be connected to outputs 1 and 2 set as MREL1 and MREL2 in associations, and you will be controlling the virtual drive no. 5. Next:
Go to the M-REL-10s device’s configuration.
Add a condition from the same device.
Choose to close the drive that is not physically used, with the condition result analysis set to: Condition status change.
Click to enlarge and open in a new tab.
The duration of an impuls cannot be longer than the delay time for directional change set in parameters. Otherwise, it can lead to breaking of the blinds
Click to enlarge and open in a new tab.
Confirm and create the second condition for Open for the second output in a similar fashion.
Send to the device.