

Guides that will show you what you can do to increase the usability of your Ampio installation.

Garden irrigation in Ampio UNI

Garden irrigation provides maintenance-free care for your garden, which is additionally adjusted to weather conditions and the water source.

Last update June 5, 2024, tags: Mobile app, Personalisation, Automations

Automation in the Ampio UNI app

Automation functions allow you to define your own rules for the behaviour of your smart building. Learn how to plan the execution of a specified action based on the time of day or, for example, the light switching on in particular rooms.

Last update June 4, 2024, tags: Mobile app, Personalisation, Automations

First connection to an installation

Learn how to connect to the Ampio building automation installation for the first time, using the Ampio UNI mobile application.

Last update June 3, 2024, tags: Ampio Cloud, Mobile app

Controlling the temperature in Ampio UNI

Temperature controls in the Ampio UNI app allow you to create schedules and to manually change the set temperature.

Last update June 3, 2024, tags: Mobile app, Personalisation

Ampio UNI mobile application

Ampio UNI is a mobile application that provides access to your installation from any place in the world. Learn the basics of the Ampio UNI application in this article.

Last update June 3, 2024, tags: Ampio Cloud, Mobile app

Scenes in the Ampio UNI application

Using the mechanism of scenes you can predefine a variety of settings for lights, blinds, or music players. The settings can then be activated in a flash at any point in the future. Use the scenes to save your favourite settings for a movie night or dinner with friends.

Last update May 29, 2024, tags: Mobile app, Personalisation, Automations

Installation status in Ampio Cloud

The Ampio system is intended for installation and configuration by certified installers. This is also reflected in the design of the Ampio Cloud. Find out what is the installation status and how it changes with the advancement of installation works.

Last update November 8, 2022, tags: Ampio Cloud, Installation, Security

Granting access to an installation

Learn how to give access to your installation to other household members and how to manage their permissions.

Last update November 8, 2022, tags: Ampio Cloud, Security

What can you find on

Greater control over your installation.

Last update August 23, 2022, tags: Ampio Cloud, Security, Installation

Ampio Panel Creator

Panel Creator is an app that allows designing glass touch panels to navigate system functionalities.

Last update June 15, 2022, tags: Automations, DOT family, Personalisation, Touch panels, Wall switch